Red Hat to expand business across industries

Many organizations are transforming to digital-first and how to drive their technology strategies during the pandemic.
‘The new normal for IT starts with open source. Open source developed code is the foundation of the innovation that is driving the future of IT, not open core or proprietary software. This has always been Red Hat’s model - open source practices, code and technologies are at the center of everything we do.’ an excerpt made by Paul Cormier, President and CEO of Red Hat in the Red Hat Summit 2022.
Supannee Amnajmongkol, Red Hat’s Country Manager (Thailand) shared the following key highlights from the New Normal section of Red Hat Summit 2022
- Innovation remains first priority
- Open source communities are the innovation engine.
- Developers want a streamlined experience.
- Operators want consistency across environment to simplify operational complexity, decrease costs and enable cross environment compatibility. They need visibility across the entirety of a company’s IT focus.
- Hybrid is the reality for teams and IT environments. Distributed environments span bare metal to public clouds to the edge. Most organisations use multiple clouds.
- Security is a non-negotiable across the software supply chain.
Red Hat’s key clients in Thailand - Kasikorn Business Technology Group (KBTG) and True Digital have also shared their experiences in using open source technology to transform their business into digitalization.
Tawan Jithavech, Chief Technology Officer of KBTG, said Thai financial sector has been evidenced as the most active digital transformed organizations over the past several years. The company has continued to explore and innovate financial products and services through reliable open source softwares, adequate enterprise support and finding emerging technologies and cloud-based services that can turn into uniform units with controllable and accessible from anywhere.
Tawan viewed Red Hat’s open source developed technology provides flexibility in determining which applications, workload, infrastructure are suitable for what cloud services to be used. Some applications may be better suited in one specific cloud, and some applications may be required to run on-premises while consuming services in the cloud model.
Pakavat Nonkunakorn, Deputy Chief Technology Officer (Operations Engineering), True Digital Group, said it is important for IT team to understand customer pain points, its roadmap and business purpose, the use cases and technologies, strong partners and developers collaboration, the development of internal IT personnel. He believed open source developed technology driven by communities is mainly purposed to solve problems not for organizations only, but also for nation purposes.
Supannee added that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, the Linux operating system designed to drive more consistent innovation across the open hybrid cloud, from bare metal servers to cloud providers and the farthest edge of enterprise networks. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is designed to drive enterprise transformation in parallel with evolving market forces and customer demands in an automated and distributed IT world.
In addition, Red Hat has been in collaboration with General Motors (GM) to expand an ecosystem of innovation around the Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System, which provides a functional-safety certified Linux operating system foundation intended for the ongoing evolution of GM’s Ultifi software platform.
In-vehicle software systems are complex and require high levels of cybersecurity protection and stringent certifications due to critical safety priorities. GM and Red Hat intend to make these complex vehicle updates simpler and more frequent by implementing continuous functional-safety certification into the Ultifi platform with Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System pioneering the continuous certification approach.
The automotive industry is at an inflection point as consumers begin to assess what the future of their driving experience could look like. As open source and automotive leaders, respectively, Red Hat and GM are poised to help define and connect the automotive ecosystem that will drive solutions for next-generation vehicles.