Covid-19's tech series #2 - work from home

Continue with the following 5 applications to be used during work from home as recommended by Topp Jirayut Srupsrisopa, co-founder & CEO Everyone can selectively access cloud-based technologies which also fit to business enterprises’ requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic and business shutdown.
1 Lastpass – app to manage your passwords on different sites and platforms with one master password. You need to customise one master password in Lastpass as a vault and the system will then automatically generate particular password (allowing a combination of letters and numbers which are hard to predict) and integrate with other sites such as Facebook, IG, Gmail, WhatApp, Line. Note that master password should not be set as same as other applications or websites because there will be a loophole for hackers to predict your master password. As a security compromise against admin works, Lastpass allows the user to share access to your fanpage accounts’ admin officers for day-to-day handling without knowing your password and can remove the access upon request.
2 Zendesk – centralized ticket management system to help enterprises managing different tabs/buckets into one platform. This app will help SMEs who want to manage their emails in various platforms/buckets such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Linkedin into one single app to save times and more efficiency, to create different buckets for different functions (HR, customer support, marketing, business development) so that they can monitor the team’s performance, to download the report showing the team’s performance and quality of their works ie average time used with customer, interaction time, customer’s rating, Live Chat menu with customers can be integrated into the company’s website.
3 Klipfolio – management team can get real time dashboard from every functional units for data prediction, precise and accurate decision making with business adaption to meet revenue target. Since we are in the internet centricity with data-driven business, the enterpreneurs who survive during this economic downturn need to maximize the benefits of data analytics by gathering data points from marketing team, customer supports, accounting, etc and take actions to improve revenues and profits with trend analysis. For Thai SMEs, top-down approach to kick start and move on digital strategies with both online and offline channels is the most important step, to employ a change agent or project owner who leads the change team, to digitize all data points in the business process and prepare action plans. Actually, Zendesk integrating with Klipfolio can generate dashboard of different functions.
4 Intercom – once all datapoints are digitized, the company can use this marketing app to send customized behavior emails to suit their customers’ preference whereby the trigger points can be set. This will benefit and useful for direct interactions with customers.
5 Mention – this social listening app will keep tracks around the world with key words to be put in the app and any related articles in any platforms with those key words will be presented.