Keep Di – the world’s first Insurance Bureau Service launched on blockchain

Keep and Seek Genesis announced a new service launch – Keep Di, the industry’s first state-of-the-art National Insurance Bureau, catching the trend of Web 3.0 to develop a blockchain-based bureau platform. This innovation uses NFT to collect user data, providing direct benefits to the insurance ecosystem and its users as soon as the system is logged in. The company is confident in its technology, expecting to gain 300,000 users in the first year before penetrating other industries and expanding its success to the international markets next year.


Kittinan Anuphan, CEO and Founder of Keep Di, Seek and Keep Genesis Co., Ltd, revealed that Web 3.0 and the availability of Blockchain Technology bring an excellent opportunity for creating new businesses. Today, advanced digital marketing tools can produce instant results. As a developer of innovative platforms that have helped create new opportunities for the insurance businesses, Kittinan foresaw the tremendous potential in leveraging the technology. Thus, the blockchain-based platform has been developed to provide a new dimension to data insight service. Under the brand ‘Keep Di,’ the platform is made to meet the challenges in the insurance business with first-party data that relies on no medium and gives high-quality, in-depth data that is practical and realistic for business and new ventures.


“Keep Di is a new blockchain-based service platform that has never been done before. The idea is to make the platform act as the National Insurance Bureau (NIB) of the instance ecosystem by storing user data in the form of NFT (Non-Fungible Token), which is organized and secured. Its strength is that it provides direct benefits to the users in the form of a highly effective marketing tool for the both insurance business and the users. Keep Di service platform will be available this September,” said Kittinan.


The Keep Di service platform is designed and managed on Blockchain technology. It is a new facet in data storage that will completely change the format of collecting user data. Traditionally, businesses usually collect information only when customers come in to use the service or rely on various social channels to collect information, which is costly.


When it is time to use the data to offer services that satisfy customers, companies have to invest in managing IT systems on their own, whether it was CRM or other analytic methods, to access consumer behaviors. Otherwise, they might need to rely on channels from partners to get shared data which cost highly. Moreover, the information obtained does not always match the actual target audience. These are the obstacles to business growth that insurance businesses have to face.


“The Keep Di platform service will revolutionize the traditional way of collecting data. The customer is the one who directly permits the collection of information. That information will be the sole property of the user that cannot be changed or transferred without consent It helps maintain privacy and provides a high level of information security because it is stored by Blockchain technology. More importantly, the data is authenticated and is in-depth consumer behavior data that has been analyzed in many dimensions. This makes collected data become high-quality data that is practical and meets the requirement for personalized marketing.”


“Called a bureau, Keep Di acts as a central platform responsible for collecting data without any involvement with the use of information. The use of information is solely subject to the consent between users and businesses in the insurance ecosystem. Blockchain acts as the primary back-end infrastructure. It has NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technology as a mechanism or tool for collecting data directly from users. The collected data cannot be duplicated and is the sole asset of the owner of the information. With such a structure, the Keep Di platform is regarded as the world's first insurance ecosystem information center, which provides safety and transparency in management,” said Kittinan.


Initially, consumers in the insurance ecosystem or interested users can access various benefits by downloading the e-wallet to store personal information in the form of NFT, which is used in exchanging services or receiving offers from partners. At present, there are more than 200 vendors that are partners in the insurance ecosystem. The majority of them already utilize the Claim Di service. The company started distributing tokens to the insurance partner ecosystem in April. To date, the amount of tokens is over 3 million, which these partners use for marketing to their clients. This is to create a growing tokenomics economy that provides direct marketing benefits to both partners and consumers.


Keep Di currently has 1 billion of tokens circulated in the ecosystem. The tokens are distributed to the main groups, which include users who store NFTs in their e-wallet and partners participating in the National Insurance Bureau platform ecosystem who will receive tokens based on the company's terms. Partners can use tokens to perform transactions in the system, whether direct marketing to customers or users. The use of tokens is subject to the rules set by the SEC. The company strictly controls the coin volume, ensuring that the token's value does not fluctuate like a standard token in the market.


 “We estimate that this year, 300,000 users will download the Keep Di e-wallet to use the bureau service. The data collection will comprise 100,000 data sets in NFT format. Next year, when the system fully functions, we expect to reach 3 million users, while the generation of NFT datasets will reach more than 10 million within 2024," said Kittinan.


By combining the capabilities of the National Insurance Bureau with AI innovations, the development to further integrate with e-Payment systems or new electronic payment systems will help drive businesses in the insurance ecosystem to grow. The platform allows the insurance business to expand its business base and operate in new ways to generate revenue growth. It also reduces the cost of business operations. This new system will be available for businesses in full functions in August.


“In the first phase of the Keep Di service and bureau platform, the system will be open for the insurance ecosystem before expanding its use for other sectors such as automobile, retail, health care, and et cetera.  In addition, within the next year, we plan to launch the Keep Di platform service overseas, especially among the countries that are joint investors in Claim Di, such as Taiwan, Korea, and Malaysia," Kittinan concluded.

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